2011.04.19. 21:14
Vasárnap voltunk múzeumban. Mivel nemvok múzeumbajáró típus, rögtön 3-ban is.
Az első az Oklahoma Railway Museum volt, ami sikeresen zárva volt.(persze hogy csak a nyitvatartást nem néztük meg....). Nembaj, körbejártuk és fotóztuk. Kiderűlt h nagyon semmisem lett volna olyan hűűűde....
Utána elindúltunk, és találtunk egy harcászati múzeumot. na ott néha kicsit kicsinek éreztem magam 1-2 tank mellett....
Végűl megérkeztünk a Cowboy Museumba. WoW. nemsemmi volt! a múzeum közepén összeraktak egy kisváros díszletet, amibe nyugodtan bemehettél mindenhova....
Andrew Lloyd Webber Show
2011.04.14. 19:44
Nah a beigért és nemakart elemzés következik.
A zenéről:
Macskák, Evita, József és a színes széles...., Jézuskrisztus superstar, ect.
Valaki szereti, valaki nem....
A Fény:
HÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚ...... na ez.......... aztaaaaaa....... mondtákmár páran, h jó fény az rögtön díszletis, meg eltudja akár vinni a hátán a műsort, nade ez....... űbermegaistenzsírkirályvolt! szal ezt nemtom szavakbaönteni rendesen.... 3sor trégeren volt kb 20 robot, és.... azta............ ezt TÉLLEG LÁTNI KELL..........
A Hang:
húúúúúúúúúúúúúúú..... ekkora cuccal ilyen sz@rt még otthon sem tudnak csinálni........... színpad két szélén két sub, rajta két szélessávú, trégeren fennt két oldalt kicsit kifele döntve két JBL lime-array fürt a karzatnak, középen egy CUDO fürt..... 48as Soundcraft Vi6-os, meyer monitorok..... shure beta58wireless miksik, megy 1db sm58 kábellel..... jaaaaj de rossz volt...... sok volt a magas..... semmitsem értettem semmiből.... állandóan gerjedt..... a "hangmérnök" mindenről lekésett... hülyén volt felépítve a hangosítás..... szimfónikus zenekar akusztikusan, bassgityó, gityó erősítve, meg a kórus is, és persze az énekesek is..... a gityószólókból csak annyit hallottam, h vmit naon játszanak, mert egyedűl a magas volt kihangosítva, és a sivítás alatt már semmitsem lehetett hallani..... semmi zenei érzéke nemvolt emberünknek.... nemtom h a Vi6osnak van ilyen hangja, v rossz előfokokat használtak, vagy most télleg hallottam a mikrofonokat, de ezután sztem a maradék helyeket is naon meggondolom, ahol beta58at használnék, mert 14 énekesből csak egynek szólt jól.... amikor az énekes kezdett el "zenélni", énekelni, na akkor fogyott el alóla a mikrofon.... egyzser szerepelt az sm58, de az asszem mindent vitt.....
Még mindig nem szeretem Webbert, viszont láttam egy igazi nagy amerikai showt, minek a végén még tüzijáték is volt(pici), mindezt egy emberként az 1800ból, ahol az előadásban hiba csak amatőr hiba volt, a hangban ez naggyon-naggyon ciki volt egy ilyen profi szettel, a fény pedig hibátlan volt. Asszem ennek köszönhetem azt, h végülis boldogan jöttem ki, mert ez a show látványban sokkal nagyobb élményt nyújtott, mint amihez szoktam, és ez kárpótolt a hangért cserébe.
Persze ez mind az én saját SZUBJEKTÍV véleményem, tehát mindenki azt gondol, amit akar....
új skin
2011.04.14. 07:17
Gondolom már észrevettétek, h új skint kapott a blog. ez még a beta verzió, tehát még várható változás.....
Ma voltunk megnézni egy Andrew Lloyd Webber showt, de asszem a véleményemhez még kell egy alvás.... nem akartam semmilyen technikai elemzést ide a blogra, de valszeg most ezt nem feogom elkerűlni....
2011.04.11. 09:07
kiakasztó ez az időjárás....
egyszer dögmeleg... majd hideg..... a szél egyszerűen nincs... majd hirtelen vagyonis van....
egyszer erről fúj, oszt gondol egyet, és megfordúl.... off.... minden kb másnap, v harmadnap van vhol a környéken tornádó, meg vihar..... nincs olyan pillanat, amikor vmiért ne fájna vmim.... erre nemtok semmi mást mondani, mint idegesítő.....
tornado- kuddtek egy ilyet
2011.04.09. 22:54
This is the University of Oklahoma Police Department's 2011 "Tornado Information" massmail, provided to disseminate consistent information concerning the OU Norman Campus severe weather preparedness program.
The TORNADO INFORMATION SHEET, below, is provided in a condensed, PLAIN TEXT format to help ensure compatibility with all email clients. You can view a COMPLETE version at:
The University of Oklahoma and its Police Department are very concerned about the safety and well-being of everyone associated with the Norman Campus. Particularly during tornado season, we provide important information that we hope will be carefully reviewed by everyone who receives it. We cannot overstate the importance of knowing how to respond to a tornado warning in central Oklahoma. The following instructions for different areas and situations should be studied:
Attempt to reach a protective area, such as a sturdy building with a basement
If there is not time to escape or find a suitable protective area, lie flat and face-down on low ground, protecting the back of your head with your arms. Get as far away from trees and cars as you can; they may be blown onto you in a tornado. Avoid areas subject to rapid water accumulation or flooding in heavy rains.
The instructor will dismiss the class immediately, after advising students to proceed to a lower level hallway or basement of the building or to the nearest substantially constructed building if the facility being used is not suitable as a protective area.
The function will be terminated at once, and the participants will be advised promptly to seek a protective area on the ground floor away from glass or in the basement of the building. If the function is being held in a gymnasium, or cafeteria, the area should be evacuated immediately and the occupants instructed to proceed to the nearest substantially constructed building.
The City of Norman operates a citywide outdoor warning siren network that is used to signal imminent danger from tornadoes. It is a familiar sound, as it is tested every Saturday at noon, including cloudy and rainy Saturdays, unless there is a threat of severe weather in the area, a major event or venue is taking place, or when temperatures are below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
A tornado warning issued from the National Weather Service (NWS) with a "polygon" including any portion of the City of Norman may be a cause for outdoor warning siren activation. For more information on "tornado warning polygons" see,
A steady siren for three to five minutes means IMMINENT DANGER. Take shelter immediately in the nearest suitable protective area and seek further information. Protective areas should be identified in advance.
Once the sirens sound, it is too late to seek protection at a remote location. An All-Clear signal will NOT be given via the siren system. It is urged that reliance be placed on the broadcast media for this and other status and forecast information.
The National Weather Service broadcasts continuous weather status/forecasts, updated hourly, on 162.400 MHZ from its Norman office; additionally, the NWS will broadcast special alert tones and messages for tornado warnings, flash flood warnings and similar impending weather emergencies.
Special radio receivers are available for purchase to monitor this frequency and receive the special alert warnings. Those persons or offices requiring current, official weather information or desiring to take advantage of the alert warning service should check with a radio equipment dealer for further information. It is recommended that all persons maintain a battery-operated AM and/or FM transistor radio and take that radio with them should it become necessary to seek a protective area from a tornado or other severe storm.
Persons in protective areas should not rely on visual observations of local conditions as a reliable indicator of the true status of the weather, since hail and tornadoes have been known to occur under apparently clear-sky conditions.
Protective areas from a tornado may be sought in buildings of substantial masonry construction; most University facilities have spaces that may be used as protective areas. These protective areas can usually be found in interior spaces or hallways away from exterior walls and windows.
Once the sirens sound, it is too late to proceed to a remote protective area. Residents should stay alert to developing severe weather and have identified a suitable protective area beforehand. The lowest level of the building should be used, avoiding spaces with windows; close doors between your refuge area and adjacent windowed areas to limit flying debris.
Buildings of frame construction and those with broad, flat roofs or large open interior spaces (such as auditoriums, cafeterias, or gymnasiums) should not be used or considered as protective areas. Many such areas, however, have adjacent service spaces (such as corridors, walk-in coolers, or showers) which are reasonably safe.
RESIDENCE HALLS and UNIVERSITY APARTMENT CENTERS: For specific details regarding protective areas within each university housing center, see To protect persons against airborne debris, particularly glass and wood splinters, all doors opening into protective spaces should be closed while in use as a severe weather protective area.
OU residence hall staff provide residents with annual severe weather safety training and information. Residence hall duty-staff also maintain/monitor NOAA S.A.M.E. weather radios. Residents with questions regarding severe weather emergency procedures or designated protective areas in their housing center should contact their building staff or OU Housing and Food Services, 325-2511. More detailed tornado-safety information regarding OU Housing facilities is available, online, at
CATE AND COUCH RESTAURANTS: RESIDENCE HALLS and UNIVERSITY APARTMENT CENTERS: For specific details regarding protective areas within each university housing center, see Once the sirens sound, it is too late to proceed to a remote protective area. Residents will be ushered by staff to interior hallways in these facilities.
SOONER SUITES - Take cover in the bathroom or center hallway in each suite. Cover yourself with any available padding such as blankets and comforters.
DAY-CARE CENTER: Because severe weather, including tornadoes, is often preceded by extended heavy rainfall accompanied by strong winds, taking young children outdoors to an alternate facility is potentially hazardous and therefore inadvisable. To avoid this undesirable exposure, the best available protective area has been identified on the premises of the day-care facility.
UNIVERSITY RESEARCH CAMPUS, NORTH and SOUTH: In buildings of substantial masonry construction, ground floor corridors having no direct exposure to exterior windows with doors closed offer adequate protection. In frame structures, small windowless interior spaces such as closets or restrooms on the ground floor offer the best available protective area. Doors should be arranged to protect against airborne debris, particularly glass and wood splinters. Avoid seeking protection/shelter in large open structures such as hangars.
(local weather advisories & all-clear information):
KGOU, 106.3 FM, OU/Norman
KREF, 1400 AM, Norman
KKNG, 93.3 FM, Newcastle
KOMA, 92.5 FM, Oklahoma City
KOKC 1520 AM Oklahoma City
KTOK, 1000 AM, Oklahoma City
WWLS, 640 AM, Moore
View the COMPLETE version of the 2011 OUPD Tornado Safety Information at You can also download an abbreviated "printer-friendly" version at
2011.04.07. 23:19
hjaaaaj de meleg van. ulok egy fa toveben es wifizek. most fejeztem be egy felvetelt, es meg van egy szabad oram. mizu otthon? itt ket nap alatt annyit ettem, mint maskor egy het alatt. asszem ma lesz vmi magyar fim bemutato oklahoma cityben, es lehet h beszaladunk. nemtom. holnap biztos bemegyunk nezelodni az ottani hangszerboltokba. mar naon varom. talaltam 1970es usa fendert 120e ftert... erdekes. jah, meg lattam 68as sratot 1900dollarert... azert ez itt nagyon mas. setalok az utcan, zenet hallgatok (rage against the machine-t) es vazze mas. mas erzes ott setalni ahol ezeket csinaltak. meg hendrixnel is ez van. nemnaon toom leirni, de mas erzesem van tole, mint otthon. mas.
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